E-Ink labels as digital assistants in catering

The special café "Oh My Waffle!" in the centre of Ulm is totally digital. Not only are table reservations and advance orders handled electronically here, but also the display of opening hours and special promotions. In addition, the classic table displays have been replaced by large and crystal-clear displays.

Waffle expert in Ulm's Old Town

The extraordinary thing about "Oh My Waffle!" is, as the name suggests, the unique selection of homemade waffles. Owner Tobias Rocholl attaches great importance to digitally organising as many procedures and processes as possible in the café. This is where e-shelf-labels comes into play: looking at the menu and calling up the ordering portal via QR code is now done via 7.5-inch e-ink labels placed upright on the tables. The constant updating and printing of information for classic table displays are history. In addition, employees save a lot of time because all signs receive their updates simultaneously with a click of the mouse. The possibility to set up changing displays (several rolling pages on one label) also allows more information to be presented clearly than before.

Robust and elegant: 7.5 inch labels from the Newton series

On café tables, the Newton labels from manufacturer SoluM cut a fine figure. The display is particularly sharp and therefore easy to read. Smartphones can capture the QR codes very quickly. The resistant and scratch-proof surface is easy to wipe clean. And if a drink should ever spill: Newton labels are splash-proof. Around 30 of these electronic signs now direct guests to their seats at "Oh My Waffle!".

Highly visible notices

At the entrance to the café, two much larger e-labels catch the eye. The signs in the 11.6 inch version are used here to display the opening hours and show the current status "Open" or "Closed" - automatically and time-controlled. In addition, an excerpt from the electronic menu is displayed.

The example of "Oh My Waffle!" shows how flexibly and creatively the electronic solutions for signage can be used. e-shelf-labels has accompanied the introduction of the labels from the beginning, supplied the hardware and helped with the set-up of the associated software. We are very happy about the positive feedback on this!

Customer feedback: A perfect solution!

"We have been looking for a long time for a long-term and modern solution to modernise the classic table displays. After some research, we found SK-Solutions and e-shelf-labels and felt well advised. In the meantime, we have e-ink labels on all tables in our café with content that changes with time. We have also covered the door labelling with them. A perfect solution without having to constantly reprint everything." - Tobias Rocholl, owner of "Oh My Waffle!